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Jared C Johnson

Attorney and Practice Director

Jared has spent his entire legal career representing medical providers to help them get paid for treating accident victims. For 17 years, he has represented hospital systems in this endeavor, overseeing the perfection, assertion, resolution, and collection of hospital liens filed pursuant to Texas Property Code chapter 55. Jared is considered by most personal injury attorneys, mediators, insurance adjusters, and many judges in the Texas Gulf Coast region as the foremost authority on hospital liens and related issues in south Texas, if not the entire State.

The Texas Hospital Lien Statute reflects the public policy acknowledgement that hospitals who provide emergency care to accident victims must be compensated for doing so in order that they may continue to serve their communities effectively. During the course of his career, Jared has learned that the most effective way to accomplish his mission for his clients is to build bridges between plaintiffs’ attorneys, defendants’ attorneys, insurance companies, and the lienholders he represents to help get personal injury cases settled in a manner that allows all involved to receive fair and equitable recovery.

Over the past decade, non-party medical providers have faced greater scrutiny in the form of written discovery requests (depositions by written questions or “DWQ’s” and subpoenas to produce records or documents). Often, these requests are intrusive, invasive, overly broad, unduly burdensome, and go far beyond the scope of appropriate discovery sought from non-party medical providers. Jared and his experienced team of lawyers and paralegals in the Discovery Dispute practice group tirelessly protect their clients’ business and financial interests by fighting back and resisting these discovery ploys. As case law on these issues has continued to evolve, Jared has continued to develop creative and effective strategies to combat and deal with the schemes of liability insurers and some of their attorneys who attempt to use discovery tools to attack medical providers who treat accident victims.

Since the start of his career, Jared has handled over 100,000 personal injury cases on behalf of his medical provider clients. He has seen the effective strategies of some of the best personal injury attorneys in Texas—both plaintiffs’ lawyers and defendants’ lawyers. He has also witnessed the mistakes and pitfalls suffered by lawyers who were not as talented or experienced. Jared has learned to analyze personal injury cases from both sides’ perspectives. When someone is injured by the negligence of another person, and is not treated by one of JCJ Law Group’s clients, Jared is uniquely qualified to help them recover the maximum amount they deserve to compensate them for their injuries.

The team at JCJ Law Group calls Jared the Danger Goose, a nickname earned, at least in part, by his willingness to take on difficult tasks and challenges. Jared’s staff routinely hears him repeat mantras like: “Have the difficult conversations”; “Do the hard things”: “Say what you mean and mean what you say”; “You’re stronger than you believe”; and “Nobody cares. Work harder.” Thankfully, Jared’s staff understands and appreciates his pervasive sense of humor and doesn’t take that last saying literally. As a firm, the family at JCJ Law Group is a reflection of Jared’s belief that if you pay better, train better, and encourage and reward dedication, commitment, and devotion, you can achieve amazing results for your clients. — “Happier cows produce better milk.” (another oft-repeated mantra of the Danger Goose)

Jared was born in Montana but moved to the DFW area in 1980. He received his undergraduate degree from Baylor University and his Juris Doctorate degree from South Texas College of Law. He lives in Tyler, Texas with his wife of almost 30 years, Carrie — a saint who works with autistic children to help them overcome the unique social and emotional challenges they face in schools. He is the proud father of two amazing adult children—a daughter who is a zookeeper in Fresno, California, and a daughter who works with him at JCJ Law Group. He is also the doting grandfather of one granddaughter. Although he lives in Tyler, Jared keeps his office in Houston because “all of the people who know how to do my stuff my way live in Houston.”

Jared isn’t like most other lawyers. He prefers to practice law in jeans, a graphic T, and his Doc Martens much more than a fancy suit and tie. JCJ Law Group has an ‘office dog’ because canine companions are an excellent way to help every member of the staff cope with the everyday stress of working in a busy law practice. And because it’s f#%$ing awesome!


  • State Bar of Texas


  • J.D., South Texas College of Law
  • BBA, Baylor University, cum laude

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